Where to Spray Mens Cologne on the Body for Best Effect?

How you smell is an integral part of how people perceive you. As men, we are in a constant battle against body odor. Therefore, using a fragrance is an integral part of your personal appearance and style. Also, fragrances have a way of making you feel and look more attractive. This is an awesome feeling that will leave you feeling more confident. Problems with Body Odor? Best Spray Mens Cologne are here for maximum affect to attract women.

However, before you can gain these benefits you first must know where to spray mens cologne on the body. Fortunately, I have come up with some handy tips that can assist you to do this.

Tips to know about Mens Cologne and where to spray them:

1. Know your fragrance

Before you can apply a fragrance, you must first do some research. Fragrances are classified into categories such as perfume, Eau de Toilette, and cologne, which includes mens cologne. At the core, a fragrance is simply a mixture of different materials and perfume oils. These materials can either be synthetic or natural. The materials are usually mixed with alcohol as a solvent to preserve and dilute the scent. The level of raw material in a fragrance will determine the category it is placed in. More importantly, it will determine the lifespan of the fragrance. Here is how long each category of perfume lasts compared with their concentration:
• Eau Fraiche: usually lasts less than an hour; 1–3% perfume oil
• Cologne (Eau de Cologne): usually lasts around two hours; 2–4% perfume oil
• Toilette (Eau de Toilette): usually lasts around three hours; 5–15% perfume oil
• Perfume (Eau de Parfum): usually lasts five to eight hours; 15–20% perfume oil
• Parfum: can last up to 24 hours; 20–30% perfume oil
This is vital information as it affects the experience you will get out of a bottle of fragrance. Consequently, it is vital information to have even before buying a bottle of mens cologne. The category of a fragrance can be easily checked on the bottle. However, you may also look online and you are bound to find a review of some fragrances. These reviews are awesome and will give you an in-depth view of the fragrance. Here you can find some great and informative reviews of some iconic fragrances.

Best Selling Cologne for Men

2. Know when to apply it

The next thing you need to know is when to apply the fragrance. This is just as important as knowing where to apply it. The best time to apply mens cologne is right after you have had a shower. A shower will cleanse your body of other scents and opens up your pores. This helps the notes in the fragrance to easily come out. Also, a shower helps the fragrance to get absorbed by the body making it last longer.
However, one should take caution not to apply the fragrance on wet skin as it will dilute the smell. Another thing you need to be cautious about is the type of moisturizer you are using. A perfumed moisturizer can work well with your fragrance or can totally destroy your signature scent. It is up to you to find the best one for your skin type and fragrance. Again, the best place to turn to for this information is the internet.

Top Selling Mens Cologne

3. Know the needs of your body

It is common knowledge that every human being has a unique natural body scent. Our bodies react differently to different stimuli such as what we eat and where we are located. Some people have a stronger natural scent than others. Consequently, the journey to finding the ultimate signature scent is one only you can take. This can be done through trial and error until you find one that you like.
Once you find one you like you still have some work to do. You see mens cologne have a habit of dying down when you need them the most. Consequently, you have to master the art of applying and reapplying the scent. You can use reviews of the scent to get a rough estimate of how much fragrance you should initially apply. Reapplying should only be done when it is necessary and you should try and use less then what you initially applied. This tip will prevent you from over-spraying the scent. It is a vital tip as over spraying will often make the smell overwhelming.

4. Know the common mistakes

Next, there are some common mistakes that people make when using mens cologne. If you are new to using fragrances then here are a few things that you should avoid:
• Spraying clothing- most fragrances rely on your natural oils to give it a unique quality. Therefore, you lose some qualities when you spray on clothes. Also, the oils in the fragrance create stains when sprayed on clothes. This can eventually be harmful to fabrics.
• Rubbing the perfume onto the skin- this is yet another common mistake that people using fragrances without sprayers do. When you rub the fragrance onto your skin you break the molecular bonds in the fragrance. Consequently, the scent fades even faster
• Applying too much- this is the most common mistake that men make when using mens cologne. Applying too much fragrance can make your signature scent to become overwhelming to others. Consequently, you should be cautious when using it. Also, you should only reapply when needed.

How to Spray Cologne

5. Know how to apply

Finally, when you are ready to apply you need to know-how. In movies we often see people spray mist into the air then walk in it. This may seem cool but it only leads to the waste of your fragrance. So how should you apply fragrance?
First, you should hold the bottle 3-6 inches away from your body. This will prevent you from over-applying and will ensure the fragrance is distributed more evenly. Next, you should apply the mens cologne onto heated areas of the body. These heated areas are the parts of the body that produce some heat due to blood flow. They include the neck, chest forearms, inner elbows, and pulse points. Applying the spray here helps the fragrance diffuse out for a better sillage and projection. Also, it allows for the smell to form a harmonious blend with your natural scent for a unique twist to your signature fragrance.

Final verdict
There you have it five quick tips on where to spray mens cologne on the body. Hopefully with these tips, you will be able to smell better for longer.

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