Arm Swinging While Jogging: The Angle, Strength, and Effect

Arm Swinging

Weight loss and jogging comes hand in hand, even if you don’t want to go out and just rely on a treadmill. Starting from some basics, we have talked about the idea of walking and jogging, additionally, we also talk about the time you should spend on jogging, but one thing that we don’t understand is the technique, especially our body’s posture and arm swinging.

Now, we know that walking is literally the first thing that almost everyone learns in their childhood, and if someone tells you that you are not walking fine, that seems like a joke, but in real life, fitness trainers talk about the right form of walking all the time. We have seen that people have deformities in their lower body because they are not using their legs right. Some have soreness in their heel; others feel their toes are too tight, so all these things matter. Additionally, we have seen that some people even talk about if we are keeping our feet straight while walking or we are bending ourselves too much on our knees. Some have a bouncy walk, others push too much weight while walking, so it is very normal. However, there is one thing that is very less talked about when we talk about the technique of jogging, and that is arm swinging.

Now, arm swinging might just look like an easy thing, and most people even don’t know why they should swing their arms, but let’s face it, it helps a lot. Now, if you can just imagine not using your arm for a few minutes while running or simply leaving your arms in the form of limbo, it is the most awkward thing. However, why most people recommend jogging while swinging an arm is a very important question. Most trainers explain this in a way that the more you swing your arms, the more you exert energy but with the right movement and syncing your overall movement with run will help you with calorie burning. In short, you will lose weight easily. So, let’s try to help you understand how you can actually benefit from it and how you can improve your arms swinging style while jogging.

What Is The Angle Of Your Arm?

Now we know that setting an angle doesn’t mean you need to measure it up or keep thinking about your arm and its angle. However, you need to just loosely let your arm settle at a 90-degree angle and make sure you are not swinging it much or exerting too much energy. Just let it stay loosely by your side, and your arm will find its rhythm with your body, and you will start to feel alright. We know that it is a bit tricky for the beginner to be sure that your arm is at 90 degrees or at a right angle, but just stand in front of the mirror for a few minutes, and you will be able to tell very easily. In case you don’t want to take help from the mirror, just place your hand by your side and let them curl up with your hip bone. You need to just bend the arms near the hipbone, and you can see that your arms are at a 90-degree angle.

Best Jogging Arm Angle

Why Arms Should Not Be Left Hanging In Limbo

We get it that it is not a natural way of running, and even if we see Tom Cruise, the kind of running, performing a stunt where he has to run for his life, the way his arms swing explains the intensity of the situation. However, this is not a movie, and you need to make sure you are not repeating the same mistakes as most people. We see a lot of people “really” swinging their arms, and it feels like they are just rocking sideways, just like a pendulum. Your body needs to stay steady, but when you swing your arms too much, you are just putting too much stress on your body, and as a result, the lower portion starts to rotate, and this can result in a sprained ankle. While swinging, you make sure it just crosses enough for the side and not something other than that; just imagine a simple line on the side, and you will be able to get the hint. This will help you stabilize your energy exertion as well as keep your body at a certain pace. Moreover, if you get injured very often, this will also help you in controlling that.

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Some Tips to Help You Improve Arm Swinging:

We know that most people think improving means just altering the natural way of arms swinging, and this will look very artificial, but if you don’t want to risk the efficiency or risk the idea of too much exertion, this can help you. Additionally, you will also be minimizing the risk of any injury during jogging. Here are a few ways that can help you improve your arm swinging method.

Natural Arms Swinging Ways
Natural Arms Swinging Ways

Swing Arms Sideways

Now we know that this is very simple, or at least this looks pretty simple but trusts me, we have seen so many people not doing it right. Most people just swing their hands outwards, and if you see it from afar, this looks like they are moving their hands in the form of circles. Additionally, we have also seen that some runners like to keep their arms near their body fully and only swing a small portion of their fist and arm. This is very important to understand because the way your body reacts to your arms swinging says a lot. If we look closely, people say that this puts a strain on them or they feel pain in their chest which is very important to address. In this condition, you need to visit a doctor because you are risking your life in this situation.

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Lose Hands Help a Lot

We have seen so many instances where people try to restrict themselves. They just keep their upper body steady and let their arms swing only from the elbows down. This makes them look like they are hanging from some branch and this also results in more body rotation that will lead them to feel like their power body is working too much while their upper body is staying steady. We have seen people working too much on controlling their arms, and as a result, they look much tense, and jogging is not about staying tense. You need to make sure you are enjoying it and letting loose.

Controlled Swinging Arms Ways
Controlled Arms Swinging

Let Nature Lead

Everyone has their own style, and there is no way you can change it completely, so it’s better to let your body decide. Starting from the way you swing your arm and the way you walk, you can never be too conscious because this will affect your pace. If you just keep an eye on the angle and the way you are keeping your hands by your side, the rest will simply fall in place. You don’t have to swing too much or too little; just the right amount of work and loosening up your body will do the job. All you have to do is, enjoy yourself and let your body go with the flow. As it can be seen, arm swinging can have a great impact on the way your body moves, and even in the way that your body loses weight. Improper arm swinging can even lead to injury both short term and long term. So, ensure that you keep an eye on your arms and how they move with your body the next time you go jogging.

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