5 Filthy Body Parts That You Should Wash Regularly

Filthy Body Parts

Heads, Shoulders, Knees & Toes is a common song that we have not only heard, but also sung throughout our childhood. While, it not exactly related to showering, I’ve tend to notice that could very well be used as a rhyme for our daily showers to keep our filthy body parts clean.

When we shower, there are a few body parts that we scrub and shower daily, but there are also a few body parts that we don’t, and you would not believe how dirty they actually get!

Heads, shoulders (and chest), knees (legs) and toes (feet) – these are the body parts that you actually wash everyday and you rightfully should, unless you are one of those whacky and crazy people who don’t believe in showers or even washing up.

Ugh Monsters! The lot of you!

But I digress, let’s get back to the 5 different filthy body parts that you should definitely wash regularly.

1. Behind The Ears

Behind The Ears
While we regularly clean our face and we may even have a habit of sticking an ear bud into our ears from time to time, we often forget that there are other parts of the ear that we tend to overlook. The auricle, or rather the outer part of ear is commonly forgotten when it comes to a good cleaning. The little creases and the corners of the outer ear should be given a good wash every now and then. You can do that with an ear bud, or even your finger. Another part of the ear that isn’t cleaned is behind it, where it connects to your head. The fold is a great place for dust and grime to collect and go unnoticed. A little soap and scrubbing should do the trick!

2. The Area Between Your Shoulder Blades

Area Between Your Shoulder
An itch you can’t scratch! Try as hard as you might, there is an area that is right between your shoulder blades that you can’t reach, unless you are a contortionist, of course. But then this area doesn’t concern your fabulous ‘pretzel-folding, making people jealous of your flexibility’ self! That area is a breeding ground for germs and bacteria, which can even turn into horrifying bacne. When you sweat, your adrenal glands pump out testosterone and produce pore-clogging oils, which need to be cleaned. Those longer loofahs or a back scrubber should do the trick.

3. Private Parts

Private Parts
Yes we need to clean our private parts and no DO NOT USE SOAP! This area doesn’t only deal with the private parts, but also where our thighs meet our private parts. That is also an area that provides the right temperature for a bacteria breeding ground. The joining area can be washed with soap, but ladies please do not put soap anywhere near your vajayjay, it has a self-cleansing feature! However, a wash with just water will do. Girls, you can also look into those special washes if you want squeaky-clean privates.

4. Behind The Knee

Behind The Knee
While we wash our knees, what about the fold behind them? It is forgotten, lost in the rush to take a quick shower. It is an ideal place for dust and grime to get collected and caked. A little soap and a loofah can definitely take care of that problem though.

5. Between Your Fingernails & Toes

Between Your Fingernails & Toes
We have been taught to wash our hands and legs regularly. However, washing between our fingernails and toes isn’t that common. When was the last time you cleaned your fingernails and scrubbed between your individual toes? That’s right, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Fingernails collect dust, grime, bacteria and anything else that you can think off. Now imagine transferring all of this to your food or touching your lips. Ew! Gross! Well, this is why when you soap your hands, make sure to wash between your fingernails as well. If you’ve ever had foot fungus (or popularly known as athlete’s foot), then you’d know that it commonly starts from between the toes. This is an ideal place for moisture to collect and breed bacteria.

So, are you clean or are you guilty of skipping out on washing these body parts as well? So, the next time you ‘rub a dub dub’ minus the three men in the tub, make sure you get these places as well!

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