Funny Parenting Stories: What Parenting Has Been Like in the Quarantine

Funny Parenting Stories

Parenting is not easy, that’s for sure. Long days, sleepless nights and on top of that the kids refusing to listen to you. That is the life of a parent. Sure fulfilment of passing on your legacy, and satisfaction of watching your kid grow up is great and all but it’s hard to remember all that when the said kid is dancing on your last nerve. Here some other parents stuck in the same boat, sharing their Funny Parenting Stories.

While parenting in itself is a challenge, more and more parents have found themselves stuck at home during the Coronavirus Quarantine. It used to be that parents would need only watch their kids for certain times during the day, at other times they would be in school, or with friends. But with the lockdown in many places, both kids and parents are stuck together all the time. Now parents have to work from home, babysit their own kids, homeschool them, and do everything else they need to all at the same time. This is bound to lead to some troubles and some funny parenting stories.

Here are some of the best Funny Parenting Stories from the  Quarantine:

Sometimes you just need snacks in the bathroom



Kids want what they want, which is to make you cry.

The couch is out to get ya…


That Bathroom Emergency


Technology is hard


Oh the sanity…


Snorkeling for food…


Quarantine Thoughts


Where are the cookies hidden?


Manners are important


Honesty is the best policy


Chaos is king


Kids are life


All jokes aside though, this is a difficult and stressful time, and everyone, including you are doing the best that you can. So don’t be too hard on yourself, read these funny parenting stories, have a laugh, and then go back to being the awesome parent that you are. Alternately, you can avoid your children for a few minutes more and check out these Funny Coronavirus Memes or look at some cute Instagram Puppy Photos.


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