These Area 51 Memes are Out of this World Funny!

Funny Area 51 Memes

Area 51 has been a mystery for years, and while the government states that it is nothing but a standard United States Air Force (USFA) open training range there are a lot of details that it refuses to divulge. This has allowed conspiracy theorists to go crazy when it comes to Area 51, with some conspiracies that go as far as saying that it houses aliens, does experimentation on biochemical weapons, and a number of other activities that can be considered “illegal” otherwise.

Here’s what Area 51 is!

Area 51 became popular as a base for housing aliens after a few people claimed they saw UFOs at the base. While the government claims that what the people saw were simply CIA U2 spy planes, the people remain unconvinced.With the security being so amped up around the area, it is no wonder that people assume that it hides some deep, dark government secrets.

The ‘Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us’ event was started as a joke event on Facebook Events page by Matty Roberts. It is planned for September 20, 2019 at Area 51. Its description is simply listed as “If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens” Well bullets never stopped Naruto, so maybe there is hope.

The Facebook event currently has over 2 million people who are going. If that wasn’t a big enough event, it has become a whole weekend affair with a festival planned around the area and big names like Arbys and Bud Light taking an active part in it.

Although, the Facebook Event page has been disabled – maybe the government got to the creator *gasp* – there is a #StormArea51 website dedicated to the event. The website sells some amazing merch, so you can get on that even if you can’t go to the event!

Just as a side note though – the government explicitly says that you should not try to Naruto run anywhere near Area 51, the consequences include arrests.

And while the event may or may not happen, it has managed to spawn some amazing and funny memes! You can enjoy them here while you wait patiently for September to arrive.

Here are 25 Area 51 Memes that are Out of this World:

1. Gotta be one of the hardest jobs of all time.


2. Seriously, why do the ice cream machines never work?! People need their softies!

3. Bring out the fancy toys!


4. Here’s another great storming idea that will leave you less hurt and with a furry friend!

5. Gotta take that training seriously.

6. If it was good enough for Troy, it’s good enough for Area 51!

7. Some people have even predicted this coming. How?!

8. If you want to raid Area 51, you will have to perfect your Naruto run.

9. Let’s bring in the big guns!

10. New Area 51 logo – Fulfilling marketing promises

11. People are making lists to guess what they might find at Area 51.

12. With Gordon on the team, things are about to get hot!

13. Here’s an Area 51 European equivalent!

14. Even the Fellowship is on board with this one

15. I can already imagine the movies and shows that they’ll make about this!

16. Seems like a pretty legit scenario of Area 51


17. Do you remember, the 20th night of September?

18. As always Simpsons seems to have predicted this too! It’s uncanny.

19. The force is strong with the raiders!

20. No, not the kids, never the kids!

21. History of how we saved the aliens

Area 51 - History of how we saved the aliens

22. Even if we don’t see any aliens, there might always be new gov tech.

23. No ET! Bad boy! Feds are friends, not food!

24. Seems Legit!

25. Oh Poor Ralphie!

Check out more such articles on Culture and Events.

5 Comments on “These Area 51 Memes are Out of this World Funny!”

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